The columns of the operations table
The operations table lists the operations on the platform and their status.
The detailed information of each operation is accessible by clicking on the name of the operation.
The columns
The columns displayed are:
- Reference: for the user's reference number, a unique code for each,
- Product name: click on the name to access the product detail page
- Registration email: click on the email to access the profile of the operation owner
- End date: end date of the operation
- Amount to be collected: the target amount for the transaction
- Amount collected: the total amount subscribed
- Status: analysis, outstanding, reimbursed, successfully funded
- Dismemberment enabled: yes, if the operation includes dismemberment
- Creator: the name of the owner of the operation
- Intermediated amount: the amount collected by the customers of distribution partners
- Type: type of operation
- Partner commissions: the total amount of commissions payable to partner distributors
- Actions: the different possible actions on the operation