Contract with Lemonway

After signing your contract with Particeep, you want to activate the payment service provider.

We then natively offer the Lemonway solution.

The stages of contractualization

The stages of contracting are as follows:

  • You get in touch with the Lemonway teams,
  • You provide the following precheck information: company name, company address, company registration number, URL of your platform,
  • After contractualization, we take care of the connection of Lemonway on your platform. We need your API keys and your back-office access.

Documents to provide

To activate your Lemonway account, you must prepare the following documents:

If you are an association

If you are a company

Possible statuses

Within LemonWay there are 2 statuses:

  • IOBSP for marketplaces,
  • LemonWay AGENT for IFPs (Crowdfunding Loan and Crowdfunding donation platform, with or without counterparts),
  • CIPs and ecommerce don’t have specific statutes within LemonWay.


It is not possible to integrate Lemonway for certain currencies and in certain countries:

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