Edit partner profile
The partner has several profiles
- a distribution profile to visualize its activity
- a company profile to validate access and agreements
- a user profile linked to the company profile
The distribution profile
To view this profile:
- Go to Partners -> choice of partner -> email -> click on the email or Partners -> choice of partner -> actions -> manage
You have access:
- To distributor commissions
- To its users
- To the operations it distributes
- To transactions
It is possible to edit on this profile:
- Generic fees on all transactions by clicking on the "pen" icon on the partner profile menu
- The fixed costs on operations and the costs on the outstanding amounts of an operation by going to Partner profile -> Operations -> actions -> edit costs
- Fixed costs on transactions by going to Partner profile -> Transactions -> actions -> edit costs
It is possible to see the fees collected per transaction by clicking on Partner profile -> Transactions -> actions -> see commissions
Company profile
The company profile is visible via Partners -> choice of partner -> actions -> see profile
To edit the profil:
- Click on the "pen" icon on the profile menu
- Fill in the information
- Save
User profile
- The user profile can be edited via Partners -> choice of partner -> actions -> edit profile information
- Fill in the information
- Save