View and validate a transaction
From his client area, the investor accesses his transactions by type of investment.
He has access to transactions:
- on loans and bonds,
- on shares (of unlisted companies or funds),
- on listed funds.
- on financial flows (dividends, etc.).
View details and confirm a transaction
To confirm a transaction:
Go to transactions -> select transaction -> confirm
To see the details of a transaction:
Go to transactions -> select transaction -> details
You arrive on a page with the summary of the details of the operations:
- the information entered at all stages of the subscription. A check icon appears when the stage has been successfully completed,
- the documents to be signed on the transaction and their status,
- the schedule when it is a loan or bond type transaction.
Consult the transaction schedule
Go to transactions -> select transaction -> schedule
Access the payment flow schedule associated with your transaction as well as the financial details of your transaction.
The schedule includes:
- the total amount received in each period (including tax),
- the remaining capital,
- the payment status of each due date,
- For a bond security in which you have invested 600€, you have the following schedule.