Analyze the table of share transactions

On Particeep Finstore, it is possible to invest in shares of unlisted companies (funds, companies ...)

The summary of past transactions is available in the transactions section.

To access it, go to profile -> transactions -> shares or click on the amount invested in your dashboard.

You then have access to the following information:

  • the status of the transaction: pending, cancelled, validated, refunded,
  • the operation,
  • the date of the transaction,
  • the end date of the operation,
  • the price of the dismembered share (only in the case of transactions with a usufructuary)
  • transaction fees,
  • the share price at the time of the subscription,
  • the current share price,
  • the performance of your subscription.
It is also possible to aggregate subscriptions by transaction, by status and by currency.

The following actions can be performed on each transaction:

  • confirm: to confirm the pending transaction,
  • details: to view all transaction information and subscription data.

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